Analytical Quality Control News

US FDA: Carcinogenic Potency Categorization Approach for Nitrosamine Impurities

In January 2025, the U.S. FDA has published in its newsroom on the CDER website the article called "Determining Recommended Acceptable Intake Limits for N-nitrosamine Impurities in Pharmaceuticals: Development and Application of the Carcinogenic Potency Categorization Approach".

Revision of USP <1032> Design and Development of Biological Assays

USP recently published a draft revision of Chapter <1032> Design and Development of Biological Assays, which will be available for comment until the end of January. This chapter is part of 5 USP chapters that deal with the topic of bioassasys.

FDA Warning Letter to Chinese Manufacturer of OTC Products

A warning letter to a Chinese manufacturer of OTC drug products continues the series of FDA warning letters on the subject of inadequate testing of starting materials and components. In this case too, however, the warning letter goes beyond these deficiencies.

Warning Letter - No Testing for EC/DEG and other Deficiencies

In November, the FDA issued a warning letter to a manufacturer of topical products in France. In addition to inadequate testing of components used, e.g. for ethylene or diethylene glycol, the warning letter also includes a whole series of other deviations.

English Translation of Supplement II to the Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP18) Published

The official English translation of Supplement II to the Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP) Eighteenth Edition is now available as a free download.

PharmaLab 2024 Brief Summary - Save the Date for 2025!

The 12th PharmaLab Congress took place in November 2024 and the upcoming congress is already scheduled from 24-26 November 2025 in Düsseldorf/Neuss. Here, you will find a short overview along with some figures from last year’s congress.

How to keep Analytical Systems Current and Compliant

In Technology Networks, a new article entitled "The Museum of Analytical Antiquities" was published. The authors, Dr. Bob McDowall, a member of the ECA Analytical Quality Control Group Advisory Board, and Paul Smith, explore the risks and challenges laboratories face when they maintain outdated analytical systems and discuss why it is important to keep current with software updates.

FDA 483s due to Deficiencies in the Stability Program: Evaluation of Fiscal Year 2024

Observations made by the inspector during an FDA inspection are listed on the FDA Form 483. The FDA has now published the data for fiscal year 2024 (October 2023 – September 2024). As in previous years, we have conducted an evaluation regarding deficiencies in the stability program.

USP-NF Stimuli Article on Apex Vessels used in Dissolution Testing

In the Pharmacopeial Forum, PF 51(1), a Stimuli article entitled "Characterization of Apex Vessel Geometries and Irregularities" was published. Apex vessels, previously referred to as PEAK vessels, are commonly used in dissolution experiments with Apparatus 2. The study highlights the importance of understanding the geometric variability of apex vessels and its potential impact on dissolution results.

Elemental Impurities: Harmonized chapter finalized

In late November 2024, it was reported on the EDQM's website that the new harmonized chapter "Elemental Impurities (G-07)" of the "Pharmacopoeial Discussion Group (PDG)" was signed in June 2024.
